Recruiter salary range and expectation response.

Apparantly recruiters are supposed to disclose their salary offer. Recommended response below if offer unavailable.


I am interested but noticed that you didn’t include a salary range which is necessary pursuant to local statute. 

Could you please share the salary range and I’ll consider your offer to discuss further. 

Otherwise, I will forward your message to the department of labor for review of compliance with salary disclosure information.

 - u/Bridge23Ux

artist accused of using AI artwork banned

Short Fake Blue Check Account Slide

Kanye West Deep Fake found on Twitter

Monetizing Social Justice Warriors - Jordan Peterson.

Rode the hate machine to wealth and prominence. Fast forward a few, and witness the "traditional masculine" prototype cry. 

Beau responds to comments

Beau of the Fifth Column addressing comments made by a Fox News political agitator in a video mashup.

We are not ok

I realize that Dead State is biased and all but the content speaks for itself. The level of absurdity displayed is breathtaking.